Saturday, July 21, 2012

Homemade ice cream.

 Aaron and I participated in an "Ice Cream Off" with our church yesterday. In case you've never had the good fortune of finding out what an Ice Cream Off is, it's when lots of people make ice cream and everyone eats it and votes for the best one. Having never made ice cream before (and because we're greedy), A and I decided to make three different ice cream flavors. Delicious in theory. Chaotic in practice. Our ignorance regarding the art of ice creamery caused us to neglect the fact that each ice cream flavor needs, oh, about a day to freeze. We only had one ice cream maker, so we gave each flavor about an hour. Epic fail. We ended up with about a half quart of almost ice cream and three quarts of chilled soup. But the flavors! The flavors were awesome. So I'm going to put the recipes here. Just please, for the love of all that's sugary, don't try to make them all at once. 

Maple Bacon Coconut Milk Ice Cream: Click here for the recipe. We followed this recipe exactly and it was scrumptious.

Sugar Cane Ice Cream: Click here for the recipe. We couldn't find real sugar cane so we used raw cane sugar. We also substituted potato starch for corn starch, because I can't have corn. Then I forced Aaron to leave out half of the rum because I didn't want rummy ice cream, but the rum flavor gets pretty subtle.

Mexican Chocolate Ice Cream: Click here for the recipe. We left out the cayenne and the espresso.



  1. Bacon! In ice cream! That sounds like breakfast to me. Yum.

  2. Rachel, I like your thinking. You're invited to the next ice cream making session :)
